Disenlightenment is the state of humanity whereby, through dependence on technology and abolition of the esoteric, we reach a state of complete vacuity and complacency. Whereas once science and the esoteric were one, as we have begun to worship one and discredit the other, we have forfeit control over whatever we unleash. Science becomes the new religion and technology becomes its only practice, and we are its god, and our machines, the creation. This album plots this course which we can see commencing in the world around us as science is worshiped, spirituality condemned, technology becomes a human right, and we creep ever closer to creating sentience and sapience to serve us with no free will so that we might devolve back into a philosophically embryonic state and die off like the gods and goddesses before us.
Produced by: Rose Red Flechette
Released with: Anomalistic Records
Artwork: Enteogeno
Mastering: Anomalistic Studios
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